napari-omero icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
napari-omero copied to clipboard

omero IDs in napari layer metadata

Open will-moore opened this issue 4 years ago • 6 comments


When opening an Image from OMERO, it will be useful to store the ID of that Image in the layer metadata, E.g. get_omero_metadata() could include

'metadata': {'omero_id': f'Image:{}',}

This can then be used by other code to e.g. load / save ROIs back to OMERO etc.

Since this becomes a potential API with other code, need to think about what we want to store (and not change it without warning / versioning etc).

Simplest example above. But, we might have opened a HCS Well (as we can do with e.g. iviewer) or have other OMERO IDs we wnat to store. so maybe omero_id is not a good key. Or even omero_object: Image:1 since there might be other objects?

Maybe omero_image:1 and omero_well:2 could work?

cc @joshmoore

will-moore avatar Jun 28 '20 22:06 will-moore