Tracy Kuhrt
Tracy Kuhrt
Hi, 242. You will need to re-submit this pull request with the sign-off included in the first commit. DCO will not accept it otherwise.
I am okay with point 1, 2, 3, and 5. I am also okay with point 4, but you will need to change the image in the `Merkle Tree` section...
@joeyjoplin : Are you still working on this? If not, we others will take this on.
@nathalie-ckc : Looks like this is available if you want to work on it.
Thank you. I will wait on merging this, but I will forward to Flavia for inclusion in v2 course. I would love to get all the updates in place.
@asettouf : Thank you for the PR. I am wondering if it would make more sense to include this in the SDK examples directory of Hyperledger Sawtooth instead of including...
Please restore the file. This file should not be deleted.
Hi, @nikoturin - Thank you for the PR and suggested lab. It looks like there is currently a DCO issue with this PR. Can you follow the steps listed under...
@nidhi-singh02 : We may want to do the quarterly reports within this repo and also include the rotation schedule here too.
You could always create a new Hyperledger Lab for this work if necessary.