bootstrap-floating-label icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
bootstrap-floating-label copied to clipboard

Bootstrap 5 Floating Label


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Floating label for Bootstrap 5



  • Small: less than 200 lines of SCSS
  • Works with Chrome/Chromium, Firefox, Safari and IE
  • Works with any font family and size
  • Uses Bootstrap variables

⚠️ Latest implementation for Bootstrap 4 is @tkrotoff/bootstrap-floating-label v0.8

The Nielsen Norman Group talks about "Placeholders and Floating Labels disadvantages"


npm install @tkrotoff/bootstrap-floating-label

Import bootstrap-floating-label.scss after bootstrap.scss:

@import '~bootstrap/scss/bootstrap';

@import '~@tkrotoff/bootstrap-floating-label/src/bootstrap-floating-label';

Place <label> under <input> inside your Bootstrap code:

<div class="floating-label">
  <input type="email" id="email" class="form-control" placeholder="[email protected]">
  <label for="email">Email</label>


There is no good way to detect if the user entered text inside an input using CSS.

Thus a placeholder is required <input placeholder=" "> otherwise the label will be above the input instead of inside (see