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Infrastructure Management


infrastructure configuration and legacy source code


  1. Install AWSCLI, Terraform & Make.
  2. Ensure ~/.aws/credentials has an entry with administrative access keys matching the profile for the project. The profile name can be found in terraform/{project}/ under the provider "aws" {} block.

Commands Available

The most common lifecycle commands init, plan, and apply have been aliased in the project's Makefile. If more complex management is needed, just cd into the appropriate terraform/project/ folder and run terraform directly.

make {project}/init

Prepare Terraform to manage the project you've specified. This must be run once before the other commands are accessible.

make {project}/plan

Compare your local configuration to the actual deployed infrastructure and prepare a plan to reconcile any differences.

make {project}/apply

After verifying plan, execute the changes.

make {project}/ssh-toggle

This toggles SSH access on and off for instances in the supplied project. This is a cost saving measure. I am not currently running a load balancer in front of my services, nor do I want to pay for a bastion host in each VPC, nor peer VPCs to a single one. This may be obsoleted for some properties when this work is incorporated:

make {project}/ssh-status

Displays if SSH is enabled or disabled for a given project.

make [init|plan|apply]

Executing make without a specified project (e.g. make init) will process all projects. Be careful with this!