@nijel IIUC, lxml
Could you please share an example of TestLink XML?
Hi, I'm sorry, I just noticed this issue. It's been a long time. Just checked with master branch, this issue is not fixed yet. To be clear, "data files", I...
@cdrage IMO, source distribution package should contain all files. The binary distribution package generated by `python bdist`, and the installation as well, should contain Python modules at least. Regarding...
@LalatenduMohanty I'm not sure whether I understand #5 correctly, it looks like an issue about documentation. I was originally intended to provide a tool that can be used by developers...
@bexelbie agree. devassistant would be good to do that. BTW, what does the workflows mean?
Hi Nick, what does "pointer" mean in this context here?
@mprahl I makde some changes to the code for this issue, however I can't figure out an improvement to `dependencies_count` and `packages_count` except changing the filter criterion like `RequestDependency.request_id ==...
It would be good to include "Enable regular autobuild" as a step of this work.
Hi @ktdreyer , any extra info about why is the too much email issue related to this plugin?