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Beginnings of gamerzilla support.

Open dulsi opened this issue 4 years ago • 9 comments

Gamerzilla is an open source trophy/achievement system I've been building. The web display piece is currently handled by a plugin for Hubzilla. Additional implementations could be made in the future. LibGamerzilla is a library for games to upload when trophies are acquired and progress. To avoid having to enter your Hubzilla url, username, and password in every game, the library was designed with a game launcher in mind.

This pull request implements the listener and communication with Hubzilla. It is mainly to seek feedback on the idea. The plan is for Gamehub to get the game image from LibGamerzilla and be able to display trophies.

Right now the settings are on the Collections page which probably isn't the right place.

dulsi avatar Jul 10 '20 01:07 dulsi

I've added support to allow you to configure gamerzilla name for a game and then display image and achievement information.

dulsi avatar Jul 19 '20 15:07 dulsi

Would it help to show a screenshot? smalltrek_gamehub

dulsi avatar Jul 30 '20 13:07 dulsi

There's currently some major refactoring going on so be patient cause that will take a while with the current manpower. But I can't see why this won't find it's way into GameHub eventually as it's already supporting multiple achievement systems.

Some thoughts about gamerzilla itself:

  • The naming could be more about the feature it provides than the service it comes from. Gamerzilla gives no clue what it does besides being gaming related and related to Hubzilla which ~~I've never heard of before~~ is just one of the implementations. (Example: is about statistics of (steam) achievements)
  • While being independent and able to host your own service to connect to it's IMHO good to provide a default address. Make a small, good looking (!) website where interested users can easily register/login (steam, openid, whatever) and connect to and show their profile with achievements to others. A minimal example what could be done, a show off to others. Yes, this goes against the decentral thing but often people just want to try something out quickly or don't have an own server at hand to set it up properly.

Some thoughts about the implementation:

  • You're referring specifically to a "Hubzilla URL". As Hubzilla is only one of the implementations wouldn't a more generic name be more suitable?
  • You're adding a gamerzilla name, when do the game name and the gamerzilla name differ? Can't they be the same? I would rather not go through my entire collection and manually add the gamerzilla name to all of them.

Lucki avatar Jul 30 '20 23:07 Lucki

I agree that setting the gamerzilla name manually is not good. It was more proof of concept. It's not really possible to make them the same.

I've add a callback function to LibGamerzilla. It will give the gamerzilla name and the game's name. It should then be possible to setup the association automatically. If I'm in the GameHub.Application class, how can I get to the game object to update it?

dulsi avatar Aug 02 '20 18:08 dulsi


If I'm in the GameHub.Application class, how can I get to the game object to update it?

Not sure if that's what you want, but there are a few places in Application that access games by id:

tkashkin avatar Aug 02 '20 18:08 tkashkin

It will now automatically set the gamerzilla name when you run the game.

dulsi avatar Aug 06 '20 23:08 dulsi

Any word on merging this?

dulsi avatar Oct 30 '20 19:10 dulsi

@dulsi no plans right now. I'll think about it after current refactoring is finished.

Current achievements (Steam, GOG) should probably be abstracted into AchievementProviders before merging this, similarly to current DataProvider and ImagesProvider. This should also allow to implement other achievement providers like RetroAchievements.

tkashkin avatar Oct 30 '20 20:10 tkashkin