RetroSeq copied to clipboard
ERROR: Invalid parameters passed to getCandidateBreakPointsDir
I am getting the below error during Calling
Command: ./bin/ -call -bam /scratch/G300B1.bam -input /scratch/retroseq/sinec -ref /scratch/l1.0_ROSY.fa -output /scratch/retroseq/sinec.vcf -filter SINEC.refTEs.txt -reads 3 -depth 400
Tail of the error message:
<mpileup> Set max per-file depth to 8000
[mpileup] 1 samples in 1 input files
<mpileup> Set max per-file depth to 8000
ERROR: Invalid parameters passed to getCandidateBreakPointsDir: chrUn_JAAHUQ010000692v1 -471 282
It progressed to some unplaced chromosomes in non-human genomes and getting the above error. It produced *het.bed and *hom.bed files before terminating as above. Could you help.
Author may not still be working on this software. Go to line 921 of and add ' if($start> $end or $start <0 or $end <0){ next;}' after line 921. The program will skip a few wrong record.
Hi All - it has been quite a few years since I looked at the code. As a workaround, can you use the -chr parameter to call on the autosomes specifically. I haven't tested what happens with the unplaced chrs, some of them might be very small so cause boundary issues like what you got.