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Languish, a web page for exploring programming language trends
Languish — Programming Language Trends
Languish live site
- Try it out!
Context Free video channel, for which this tool was originally designed
- Subscribe if you like programming languages!
- Currently provides data from GitHub and Stack Overflow
- Measures current activity/velocity rather than total past mass
- Defaults to a simple "Mean Score" of other percentages
- I couldn't tell which individual metric was best
- I don't want a fancy equation that allows me just to get the results I want
- Can change y axis metric without changing language selections
- Provides metrics for many languages
- Links to GitHub topics and trending repos by language
- Can permalink to Languish configured selections and metric
- Less than 250 KB (including data) and only 6 HTTP requests
- Limitation: Works on my phone, but not carefully tailored for mobile
- Uses icons from Feather Icons and Font Awesome, via IcoMoon
- Uses dependencies as specified in the package.json file
- Please see their respective licenses
- Previously used data from GitHut 2.0 and still bases some queries and analysis from here
Additional notes
- Adding a language to GitHub
- Stack Overflow tag query:
select tags, extract(year from creation_date) year, extract(quarter from creation_date) quarter, count(*) count from `bigquery-public-data.stackoverflow.posts_questions` group by tags, year, quarter order by count(*) desc
- Also: (with 50k row limit but updates sooner)
SELECT t.TagName, DatePart(quarter, p.LastActivityDate) AS q, Year(p.LastActivityDate) AS y, COUNT(p.Id) As NumPosts FROM Posts p JOIN PostTags pt ON p.Id = pt.PostId JOIN Tags t ON t.Id = pt.TagId WHERE Year(p.LastActivityDate) = 2022 AND DatePart(quarter, p.LastActivityDate) = 4 GROUP BY DatePart(quarter, p.LastActivityDate), Year(p.LastActivityDate), t.TagName ORDER BY y, q, NumPosts DESC