**Description** The columns should line up. The columns should have headers. The buttons should look like buttons. **Screenshot**  **Versions** - FoundryVTT v11.315 - SR5 v0.19.5
**Describe the bug** Active Effects set to "Test" or "Test via Item" work in the "data" structure. Sometimes when I come back to look at one, something has replaced all...
**Describe the solution you'd like** Currently, there's no good way for an AE to target Knowledge (and Language) skills. While adding the ability to parse individual skills sounds like a...
#1039 added support for vehicle modification slots, but the available slots don't calculate. The total available slots should not be a user-input text field, but calculated from the vehicle's Body...
**Description** The Apply-To Tab must be configured before the Effects tab, but it most directly applies to that tab. The "Duration" Tab is lower priority, as it will be ignored...
Foundry 0.8.6, SR5 0.7.16 While I understand the idea behind showing the details (both why Foundry added it, and why it's being used here), it's just _ugly_. I would like...
FVTT v10.312, SR5 v0.14.1 fixed the glaring issue, but there's room for more work: The License column should have a little more space. The Rating column should be immediately...
**Describe the solution you'd like** In v0.14, there was no defeated overlay on tokens. I used CUB to create my own (with different versions for unconcious, dying, and dead). I...
**Describe the solution you'd like** With the Bug Scanner (SR5, p. 440), its wireless function allows you to the device's rating in place of the character's skill. Currently, AEs can...
**Describe the bug** Active Effects using the Upgrade mode don't function properly if the value they're upgrading from is zero. I suspect that a zero is stored as null instead...