> I am talking about in which detection mode the actor can be detected. I misunderstood the question. Definitely the Misc Tab. Its something that will generally be set once,...
Running Silent is more likely to be toggled in play, but it's already an option on the Matrix tab. The visibility-related functionality should be tied together, and there's nothing wrong...
> Independent of my issue, if you need access to Forge for testing in the future, don't hesitate to contact me. As long as i do not have an active...
These fields should probably be added to the Description tab. It's pretty bare right now.
> This should only work for player summoned spirits to not give enemies away This can already be handled via private rolls and core Foundry token label restrictions.
> could you mention any other card related issues and I will tackle them next. I'll make issues as I come across things, and add them to the HTML/CSS Rework...
The attributes section is much better. The services section still needs to match the spirit actor. The compiler should absolutely be included, and it should have the same functionality as...
Updating for FoundryVTT v11.315 and SR5 v0.17.1. Some of these issues were mentioned earlier, others are newly identified, but I'm repeating them all for completeness' sake: 1. On every other...
I'd like to see this as well. The common presentation in SR5 is `Base (Modified)`. However, there are some concerns with how Active Effects are applied to which one. For...