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Monitoring Sunspec (Modbus TCP) compatible Solar Inverters

Results 7 sunspec-monitor issues
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Hello how I can install module on ubuntu ? Net::Server Device::Modbus Device::Modbus::TCP

It throws this error unfortunatly; `Non SunSpec Meter Common block received (not SunSpec compliant device?) at ./sunspec-status line 349.`

I am trying this script with a SolarEdge SE2200 (aka HD-Wave) inverter and it works, but I'm seeing a weird thing currently: 6553.5 Volt DC. My guess is that value...

C:\Users\User\Desktop\sunspec-monitor-master>perl sunspec-status -V INVERTER: Model: KACO new energy blueplanet 4.6 TL1 Firmware version: V3.61 Serial Number: 4.6TL10117xxxx (the x are numbers in real) Non SunSpec Model block received (not...

Greetings Do you have experience with batteries? The Problem is, I do not know how to distiguish power provided by the battery and/or the panels. The Model I have is...

I installed this script on a Raspberry pi 3B+ (Raspbian Buster) When i give the command `sunspec-status ` I get this error: `Read of Meter 1 block registers failed (device...

Hi, I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this question, but I'll give it a shot anyway. I have a SolarEdge SE6000 inverter + a WattNode...