svelte-forms-lib icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
svelte-forms-lib copied to clipboard

Looking for contributors!

Open tjinauyeung opened this issue 4 years ago • 18 comments

I've created this library during a simple exploration of svelte framework, and genuinely enjoyed what I've learned about svelte. However, I'm not actively using svelte in my daily work nor have I got a side project for this. Therefore I'd like to reach out and see if anyone is interested in having a more active role in contributing to this little library and to the docs -

Give a little shout out if you are and I'll invite you to the project!

EDIT: Updated the title to reflect a more active status of the project. Super happy that a couple of devs (@larrybotha and @tiaanduplessis) joined to help out, much appreciated. For those who are also interested go ahead and add yourself in the comments or just create a PR!

tjinauyeung avatar Jun 09 '20 17:06 tjinauyeung

So sad!

frederikhors avatar Jun 09 '20 18:06 frederikhors

I'm actively using this in one non-trivial application, and I'm more likely to use it than alternatives in future projects - it's simple and clean! I'm keen to get my hands dirty, and there are a number of great features that can be added that I'd love to contribute:

  • value formatting / parsing and masking like in informed
  • add CI
  • automate versioned deploys

Speaking of deploys... @tjinauyeung can you deploy the latest changes that include validateField?

larrybotha avatar Jun 29 '20 19:06 larrybotha

Just deployed the latest changes.

tjinauyeung avatar Jun 30 '20 09:06 tjinauyeung

I'll invite you as a contributor to the project.

tjinauyeung avatar Jun 30 '20 09:06 tjinauyeung

@tjinauyeung if you are still looking for maintainers I would be happy to assist. We recently started using svelte-forms-lib for some applications and since it was such a smooth transition from our other React projects that use formik we will most likely continue to do so in the future.

tiaanduplessis avatar Jul 11 '20 00:07 tiaanduplessis

@tiaanduplessis That's awesome. I've invited as a collaborator!

tjinauyeung avatar Jul 13 '20 08:07 tjinauyeung

Hi @tjinauyeung! I'm also using this library on a daily basis in my current work while we build an application using SvelteKit. We are also migrating some forms and building new ones using this library, I will let you guys know any insights and issues we may encounter.

Count on me as well!

CC: @tiaanduplessis , @larrybotha

EstebanBorai avatar Feb 15 '22 20:02 EstebanBorai

HI @tjinauyeung i recently started learning svelte and i am vibing with it , i really will be interested to contribute to your library .... this would help me understand how to contribute to open source as i have never had, and i would love to contribute here and mark this as my first open source contribution .... i do have experience working on large projects and with my knowledge in typescript i can help in issue #97

dipanshuhappy avatar Jul 16 '22 19:07 dipanshuhappy

@larrybotha @tiaanduplessis - hi there

Any active maintenance still going on? Myself looking for resolution on 120 - isValid being true at beginning

Tommertom avatar Nov 04 '22 07:11 Tommertom

Seems dead 😢

moalamri avatar Dec 06 '22 12:12 moalamri


Seems dead 😢

Let's fork this and continue building on top of it

dipanshuhappy avatar Dec 06 '22 12:12 dipanshuhappy

@Tommertom and @moalamri ye, I've had little time to focus on svelte-forms-lib the past few months, but I've got leave coming up that'll allow me to add some much needed TLC here!

Apologies for the convenience everyone

larrybotha avatar Dec 06 '22 12:12 larrybotha

@Tommertom and @moalamri ye, I've had little time to focus on svelte-forms-lib the past few months, but I've got leave coming up that'll allow me to add some much needed TLC here!

Apologies for the convenience everyone

Hi there - not to worry! Appreciate the efforts

Tommertom avatar Dec 06 '22 12:12 Tommertom

@larrybotha You have done great man, and absolutely there are no obligations here, it just made me a bit sad to see less contributions to this awesome lib. I started using it few days ago and I hope I could contribute something 👍

moalamri avatar Dec 06 '22 12:12 moalamri

@dipanshuhappy OP seems ready for some reworking 😀 We could unify ideas and contributions here. That's very motivative from you 👍

moalamri avatar Dec 06 '22 12:12 moalamri

@dipanshuhappy OP seems ready for some reworking 😀 We could unify ideas and contributions here. That's very motivative from you 👍

Bro.... I have this sudden rise in love of open source in meet ..😅

dipanshuhappy avatar Dec 06 '22 12:12 dipanshuhappy

@dipanshuhappy Now it's up to the maintainer to set agenda and goals and we could sort issues by priority and work on them 👍

moalamri avatar Dec 06 '22 13:12 moalamri

@dipanshuhappy I have converted this library to fully typescript and I'm up to using the experimental typescript's decorators for validation, that way I can use my existing dtos and wire values with the validators 🤔 ever been in that side of typescript? If you up to contribute, I can make a repo based on this library as it will be a whole different path from the current use.

moalamri avatar Dec 07 '22 00:12 moalamri