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Raspbian packaging
While I'm spamming the repo with tickets (sorry!), if you need any help doing Rapsbian packaging, let me know - I've got some fairly good Makefiles and configurations that make the process about as painless as I can (which include building py2 and py3 packages, plus offline docs packages).
On 10/04/2016 18:28, Dave Jones wrote:
While I'm spamming the repo with tickets (sorry!), if you need any help doing Rapsbian packaging, let me know - I've got some fairly good Makefiles and configurations that make the process about as painless as I can (which include building py2 and py3 packages, plus offline docs packages).
Thank you; I will definitely be taking you up on that later, especially if it eases some of the pain which @ntoll identified in building the ZeroMQ dependency.
Just checked what versions zmq is packaged at on Raspbian - currently python-zmq is version 14.4 of pyzmq on Raspbian Jessie, relying on libzmq 4.0.5, so not the latest version but not horrifically ancient. However, Raspbian Wheezy is python-zmq 2.2, relying on libzmq 2.2, so that really is pretty ancient.
In other words: your call if you want to support Raspbian Wheezy at this point, but it'd mean ensuring all your zmq stuff is compatible with that back-level version for as long as you want to support Wheezy. In gpiozero, we're supporting Wheezy for the time being, but that's largely because we've managed to eliminate damned near all our mandatory dependencies (or at least make them optional by implementing a software variant of SPI, for example). Hence, it's a minimal burden in our case but I imagine it may be different for nw0.
On 10/04/2016 19:54, Dave Jones wrote:
Just checked what versions zmq is packaged at on Raspbian - currently python-zmq is version 14.4 of pyzmq on Raspbian Jessie, relying on libzmq 4.0.5, so not the latest version but not horrifically ancient. However, Raspbian Wheezy is python-zmq 2.2, relying on libzmq 2.2, so that really is pretty ancient.
Thanks for doing the check. If you haven't, feel free to peruse #issue3 where @ntoll and I go to and fro on the dependency issue. I'm just fearful of that old adage: those who ignore <toolX> are doomed to reimplement it poorly!
I'll give this some more thought.
Now Raspbian is on stretch - is this something we might find a moment to hack on a bit at PyconUk?