Thomas Jay Rush
Thomas Jay Rush
Last time we updated the index, we had to tell people to "invalidate their monitors." This brought a few questions from people wondering what this meant. If we had a...
../src/apps/chifra/internal/abis/handle_show.go ../src/apps/chifra/internal/blocks/handle_count.go ../src/apps/chifra/internal/blocks/handle_traces.go ../src/apps/chifra/internal/export/handle_accounting.go ../src/apps/chifra/internal/export/handle_appearance.go ../src/apps/chifra/internal/export/handle_count.go ../src/apps/chifra/internal/slurp/handle_appearances.go ../src/apps/chifra/internal/slurp/handle_show.go ../src/apps/chifra/internal/state/handle_show.go ../src/apps/chifra/internal/status/handle_caches.go ../src/apps/chifra/internal/status/handle_show.go ../src/apps/chifra/internal/tokens/handle_parts.go ../src/apps/chifra/internal/tokens/handle_show.go ../src/apps/chifra/internal/transactions/handle_accountfor.go ../src/apps/chifra/internal/transactions/handle_source.go ../src/apps/chifra/internal/transactions/handle_uniq.go All of ../src/apps/chifra/internal/chunks ../src/apps/chifra/internal/when/handle_ts_
for --pins that would simply generate the CIDs from the existing files -- not upload them to either Pinata or IPFS. Just generate the CID. This would make re-generation easier...
If this thing fails, it reports the failure to the screen which, of course, gets lost unless we capture it. This makes running the pinning session impossible unless one is...
This should be relatively easy, I think. Just don't know where to put the casching and decaching code.
This issue is delayed. We will get to it one day. Summary: scraping is not much slower than it used to be even though we query more data. New scraper...
Allow for more than just Pinata as a pinning option. 1. Research required to figure out what other options there are, 2. Cleanup of existing work with is "sort of"...
- Does every chunk contain every block in the filename's range (or is allow_missing true)? - Do the file name ranges have missing blocks? (They should not.) - The file...