Tina J.

Results 29 comments of Tina J.

I was wondering if multi-resolution support is added to yolov8? Last time, it was on TODO list.

Hi @glenn-jocher is this feature added to yolov8 or still not?

They are introducing RenderEffect to replace renderscript. But i couldn't find how to use it to blur images not image view

Thanks. Is there a way to change activation function inside data.yaml instead?

I looked at documentations, couldn't find it. Here is the `yolov8.yaml`. Can you please just say how can I change the activation function to `LeakyRelu` here? ``` # Ultralytics YOLO...

Got it thanks! Is there a way to verify it when I run train? Does it print it?

> @tjasmin111 to change the activation function to `LeakyReLU` in your YOLOv8 model configuration, you'll need to locate each `Conv` and `C2f` module in the `backbone` and `head` sections of...

I see. Do I need to pass an argument? 'LeakyReLU (0.1)' ? Does it make a difference?

Thanks @glenn-jocher . But isn't Yolov8 anchor free? "A could represent anchor boxes "