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Run .NET and Node.js code in-process on Windows, MacOS, and Linux
I tried to execute the "How to: use Node.js built-in modules" of the Readme.md page. It did not work with the version 5.9.1 of edge.js. ``` c# class Program {...
This error occurred while I was using edge5.0 and nwjs0.13. Don't know how to solve. Please guide Uncaught Error: %1 is not a valid Win32 application. \?\D:\work\客户端标准\Clients\nwjs-sdk-v0.13.3-win-x64\node_modules\edge\lib\native\win32\x64\5.1.0\edge_nativeclr.node
In my C# code using EdgeJS to run Node.js I am experiencing inconsistent but somewhat frequent hangs when Edge.Func is called. I downloaded source and made debug build and debugged...
If some bad JavaScript code (e.g. unresolved Promises) gets executed, there's a `NullReferenceException` being thrown from the `Edge.NodeStart` call, and that exception doesn't seem to be able to get caught:...
I am following the instructions on how to build "edge" for OS X, but, when i type : sudo brew tap aspnet/dnx , i recieve an error such as :...
Hi, I tried to get edge running in an [Aurelia](http://aurelia.io/) application hosted in [Electron](http://electron.atom.io/) but get the following error if i try to import edge in my viewmodel ([src/edge-test.ts](https://github.com/BoeseB/aurelia_electron/blob/80e62e93c6c75422aa8892d293ab723fd693fa9d/src/edge-test.ts)). `Uncaught...
https://twitter.com/DanielLarsenNZ/status/536807830926278656 `System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings` does not contain settings in web.config when .NET assembly is invoked by Edge. Code example: https://github.com/DanielLarsenNZ/Edge-AppSettings/blob/master/Edge-AppSettings-Service/AppSettingService.cs#L13 Demo: http://edgeappsettings.azurewebsites.net/
Hi, I'm using edge on a Windows 10 box with Node 4.3.1. I've tried this with both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Node. For some reason, I can't seem...
Hello, **What is my issue?** When I say "Blink green" the drone will do exactly what I want. That works great. When I say "Blink green" again, it will execute...
Returning an object with an indexer from Startup.Invoke causes a NullReferenceException instead of returning the object.