raylib-ocaml copied to clipboard
Access to Mesh fields.
Is it possible to add bindings to access Mesh
fields which is useful for mesh generation like here?
I've seen such bindings in old version of raylib-ocaml (0.2.0 I think), but it seems to be gone now for some reason.
Yes, definitely! Older versions exposed the ctypes-types directly, I changed that at some point to make the API more readable.
I should find some time this weekend to add them
I added the getters and setters to the module and added the mesh_generation example, see here.
I'll do a new release to opam soon so other people can use it. Until then, you can build from source.
If you run into any troubles, feel free to comment here again, then I will repon the ticket
Hello again.
I am not ctypes expert so I have a question. When in this code CArray
instance created by of_list
function will be collected? Should I wrap mesh object to keep all respective arrays reachable to OCaml GC to avoid memory corruption? I've encountered suspicious issues that may be related to CArray
What are the issues you've encountered?
I notice that when I force gc in the example with GC.full_major ()
, I get errors when unloading the models with Array.iter unload_model models
at the end.
free(): double free detected in tcache 2
double free or corruption (out)
I suspect that raylib tries to free the memory even though that's handled by the OCaml GC in this case? I didn't have any problems at runtime though and get no errors if I just don't call unload_model
I was generating a number of meshes (with ~1k vertices) and noticed visual glitches when drawing them.
Some refined pseudocode:
let finalise _ = prerr_endline "carray is freed" in
let carray_of_queue queue =
Ctypes.Carray.make ~finalise … queue.length in
let mesh = Raylib.Mesh.create () in
Raylib.Mesh.set_vertices mesh (carray_of_queue vertices)
Raylib.Mesh.set_texcoords mesh (carray_of_queue tex_coords);
Raylib.Mesh.set_normals mesh (carray_of_queue normals);
Raylib.Mesh.set_indices mesh (carray_of_queue indices);
Raylib.upload_mesh (Raylib.addr mesh) false;
Then I observed carray is freed
in logs before the mesh is uploaded or drawn. As far as I understood Ctypes.CArray.t
instance returned by carray_of_queue
is not accessible right after the function call and is being freed because Mesh.t
instance is opaque to OCaml GC. That's probably naive conclusion but the issue was fixed after I returned wrapped object like { mesh; verts_carray; normals_carray; … }
to keep Ctypes.CArray.t
instances accessible for GC.
As currently implemented mesh manipulations are fragile:
- Without storing the carray instances separately for preventing being collected by GC leads to memory corruption issues.
- Calling
causesdouble free
issue and occasional crashes.
I've managed to come up with the following workarounds:
let create () =
let mesh = Raylib.Mesh.create () in
Raylib.Mesh.set_vertices mesh vertices;
(* Fixes #1.
The implementation is stolen from discussion of the aforementioned ctypes
issue *)
add_gc_link ~from: mesh ~to_: vertices;
let unload mesh =
let empty t =
let ptr = Ctypes.from_voidp t Ctypes.null in
Ctypes.CArray.from_ptr ptr 0 in
(* Fixes #2. *)
Raylib.Mesh.set_vertices mesh (empty Ctypes.float);
But I presume since Raylib itself is positioned as a tool for those who tries to avoid meddling with low-level stuff this workarounds are not obvious. Probably it should be done in the library itself. Or at least the issues should be noted in documentation.
Thanks for keeping up on this.
I agree that those interactions are not obvious and are best handled in the bindings (somehow). For the first issue, we can probably wrap the (two?) CArray create functions and add the workaround.
For the second issue I'm not so sure though