Titus Fortner

Results 436 comments of Titus Fortner

According to the Chromedriver docs it is its own capability, and even the driver code itself appears to support it — https://github.com/bayandin/chromedriver/blob/main/capabilities.cc#L598-L599 If it is not working, then I think...

and to what extent is it departing from chromedriver in other ways? We could figure out a fix for `DevToolsActivePort`, but on Mac I'm now getting: > org.openqa.selenium.SessionNotCreatedException: Could not...

Opera is "officially" no longer supported in Selenium because there is not a compatible driver for it. The chromedriver now requires things that Opera does not support and operadriver does...

@mialeska, It's a feature not a bug. The problem is that Opera does not support the functionality that Selenium currently requires. We've reached out to Opera devs multiple times and...

No, Selenium should not prevent a user from clicking anything they want. A disabled element could theoretically have any number of JS event listeners. That's why the spec allows all...

Watir, on the other hand, does prevent this, because as a tester, 99% of the time trying to select something that is disabled is wrong, so we've added extra logic...

Hmm, to argue with myself a second, this *is in an opinionated class. The intention of "select" is different from the intention of "click" even if that is the implementation...

This is one of those weird places where Selenium tries to have it both ways. It's "just browser automation" (aka "do what I say"), except it also has these support...

Ok, I've convinced myself that this is should be considered a bug for this class as written. But as @pujagani pointed out in the PR, this isn't just a Java...