Wide-Residual-Networks copied to clipboard
Wide Residual Networks in Keras
BTW, we should use preact (resnet -V2 style), rather than post-act(V1 style).
According to the definition of momentum in keras doc, the momentum of BN layers should be 0.9, which is not the default momentum value of BN layer of pytorch (0.1).
Have you tried applying time schedule to improve the performance as in the article?
In the function `create_wide_residual_network`, ``` x = initial_conv(ip) nb_conv = 4 ``` After the `initial_conv`, why the nb_conv equals 4 rather than 1?
Using keras 2.2.0. I tried both the new and old weights in the main 28-8 script, and neither load correctly. `ValueError: Layer #0 (named "conv2d_1" in the current model) was...
The model is missing the weight decay of 0.0005 described in the paper. This could be the cause of lower model accuracy than expected