Keras-Group-Normalization copied to clipboard
Permute dimensions before K.reshape
Hi, @titu1994. Thanks for your hard work. I have one question after reading your code. When use tf as backend and set axis=-1 and if the input shape is [n, h, w, c], the current implementation would reshape the inputs to [n, g, h, w, c//g]. Do we need to permute it to [n, c, h, w] first, then reshape it to [n, g, c//g, h, w]?
I'm filling the original papers tensorflow implementations which also used NHWC. So I don't think there needs to be a permutation first. Of the original format is NCHW, then maybe we need to permute first.
Hi,I debug group norm in your code, i found that result of keras group norm is not same with pytorch groupnorm. i gusses the reshape operation cause this difference?
Here is another implementation for Tensorflow which follows the same process as the paper.
Update: Seems you are right. For TF, it needs to transpose to NCHW first, then perform reshape and then finally transpose back.
Thank you for catching it. I will update the code, but if you want credit, please send a PR to this repo.
Hi, is code already updated regarding this issue?
I quite forgot to write this. I've kinda moved on from Keras to TF.keras, and that already has Group Normalize in the TF add-ons.
If you would like, could you submit a PR for this correction ?
Hi. to be honest, I dont have idea how to create a PR, excuse me.
Hi, I am trying to implement the code in Keras. Would running the code look like this ?
x = GroupNormalization(groups=8, axis=-1)(x)
I've used axis = -1 since Keras by default is using channels_last. Thank you.