imagepullsecret-patcher copied to clipboard
ImagePullBackOff on first Deployement of Pods
Thanks for this useful tool first !
I use it to patch all service accounts for our private registry !
But I've a little problem, when creating a Deployment
, using a custom service account, I end up stuck with an ImagePullBackOff
error... With an Access Denied
to my private registry...
I think, the time lapse during which the Pod
is scheduled with the service account (without the patch), and when the service account is patched using your tool is too large... And I end up with a Pod
stuck in ImagePullBackOff
If you have any idea or solution I'd like to know, same, if the problem is related to Kubernetes and not to your tool
Deleting the stuck Pod solves the issue... But it is not a good solution for our CI workflow...
Thanks :+1:
@keviiin38 I have encountered this issue and the way I fixed it was to add the imagePullSecrets
block to the newly created Service Account before creation:
- name: image-pull-secret
Would be nice for imagepullsecret-patcher though to be able to handle this :)
I think it's a classic async distributed system design problem... possibly, the imagepullsecret-patcher could deploy an admission controller to patch newly created service accounts? 🤔
You could try setting CONFIG_LOOP_DURATION
to a lower value, the default is 10 seconds which is clearly going to miss a / pod creation which is probably milliseconds. Maybe the other option is a sleep or a wait-for-loop of some sort that creates the deployment only after the pull secrets are available. An admission webhook would be the nicest solution.
This is almost 2 years old - so I know it's a long shot, but curious if anyone has another workaround for this? I'm using Terraform to set this up (adapted some from another issue in this repo), but I get first pod ImagePullBackOff as well. My Loop duration is 30s at the moment.
locals {
imagepullsecrets_patcher_name = "imagepullsecrets-patcher"
imagepullsecrets_patcher_namespace = "kube-system"
resource "kubernetes_service_account" "image_pull_secrets" {
metadata {
name = local.imagepullsecrets_patcher_name
namespace = local.imagepullsecrets_patcher_namespace
image_pull_secret {
name = local.imagepullsecrets_patcher_name
resource "kubernetes_cluster_role" "image_pull_secrets" {
metadata {
name = local.imagepullsecrets_patcher_name
labels = {
k8s-app = local.imagepullsecrets_patcher_name
rule {
api_groups = [""]
resources = ["secrets", "serviceaccounts"]
verbs = ["list", "get", "patch", "create", "delete"]
rule {
api_groups = [""]
resources = ["namespaces"]
verbs = ["list", "get"]
resource "kubernetes_cluster_role_binding" "image_pull_secrets" {
metadata {
name = local.imagepullsecrets_patcher_name
role_ref {
api_group = ""
kind = "ClusterRole"
name = kubernetes_cluster_role.image_pull_secrets.metadata[0].name
subject {
kind = "ServiceAccount"
name = kubernetes_service_account.image_pull_secrets.metadata[0].name
namespace = kubernetes_service_account.image_pull_secrets.metadata[0].namespace
resource "kubernetes_secret" "image_pull_secrets" {
metadata {
name = local.imagepullsecrets_patcher_name
namespace = local.imagepullsecrets_patcher_namespace
# We write a JSON file similar to what we have in ~/.docker/config.json to allow access to private registries
type = ""
data = {
".dockerconfigjson" = jsonencode({
"auths" : {
(var.url) : {
auth = var.auth_base64
resource "kubernetes_deployment" "image_pull_secrets" {
metadata {
name = local.imagepullsecrets_patcher_name
namespace = local.imagepullsecrets_patcher_namespace
labels = {
name = local.imagepullsecrets_patcher_name
spec {
replicas = 1
selector {
match_labels = {
name = local.imagepullsecrets_patcher_name
template {
metadata {
labels = {
name = local.imagepullsecrets_patcher_name
spec {
automount_service_account_token = true
service_account_name = kubernetes_service_account.image_pull_secrets.metadata[0].name
container {
name = "imagepullsecret-patcher"
image = ""
resources {
requests = {
cpu = "100m"
memory = "15Mi"
limits = {
cpu = "200m"
memory = "30Mi"
env {
value = true
env {
value = join(",", var.excluded_namespaces)
env {
value = var.check_interval
env {
value = kubernetes_secret.image_pull_secrets.metadata[0].name
env {
value = "/app/secrets/.dockerconfigjson"
volume_mount {
name = "src-dockerconfigjson"
mount_path = "/app/secrets"
read_only = true
volume {
name = "src-dockerconfigjson"
secret {
secret_name = kubernetes_secret.image_pull_secrets.metadata[0].name
The project was solved "ImagePullBackOff on first Deployement of Pods",