microsoft-owin-security-qq icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
microsoft-owin-security-qq copied to clipboard

This is Outdated for a long time, please do not try to use this library anymore, if you don't even try to fix it.



Middleware that enables an application to support QQConnect OAuth 2.0 authentication workflow.

More information please visit: Katana Project

Please follow my weibo: 瘦不拉叽的SNAKE

Install from nuget: PM> Install-Package Microsoft.Owin.Security.QQ -Pre(package url)

Or search Microsoft.Owin.Security.QQ in Nuget package manager, and make sure you selected the Include Prerelease selection of the filter dropdownlist.


更多内容请访问: Katana Project

请关注我的微博: 瘦不拉叽的SNAKE


在Nuget控制台中输入: Install-Package Microsoft.Owin.Security.QQ -Pre(package网址) 或在Nuget的包管理器中搜索Microsoft.Owin.Security.QQ,并确保在包过滤的下拉菜单中选择Include Prerelease(包括预发行版)选项. How to use:

    appId: "your app id",
    appSecret: "your app secret");

一些小提示: 测试环境下请确保您的网站使用的是80端口,试图使用非80端口访问腾讯接口会有非法redirect_url错误.