tinygo copied to clipboard
Dockerfile: don't remove cached files
This reverts 649f49e00080e2317617e19c76450eeb2af491f7. It is not necessary anymore: the container is an intermediary container so doesn't need to be extra small.
Not sure whether this is really needed but it seems a little cleaner to me.
Size difference with the dev branch:
Binary size difference
flash ram before after diff before after diff 60736 60736 0 0.00% 6160 6160 0 0.00% tinygo build -size short -o ./build/test.hex -target=itsybitsy-m0 ./examples/adt7410/main.go 9612 9612 0 0.00% 4740 4740 0 0.00% tinygo build -size short -o ./build/test.hex -target=itsybitsy-m0 ./examples/adxl345/main.go 13232 13232 0 0.00% 6780 6780 0 0.00% tinygo build -size short -o ./build/test.hex -target=pybadge ./examples/amg88xx 8600 8600 0 0.00% 4732 4732 0 0.00% tinygo build -size short -o ./build/test.hex -target=itsybitsy-m0 ./examples/apa102/main.go 11584 11584 0 0.00% 6556 6556 0 0.00% tinygo build -size short -o ./build/test.hex -target=nano-33-ble ./examples/apds9960/proximity/main.go 9660 9660 0 0.00% 4752 4752 0 0.00% tinygo build -size short -o ./build/test.hex -target=itsybitsy-m0 ./examples/apa102/itsybitsy-m0/main.go 8180 8180 0 0.00% 2304 2304 0 0.00% tinygo build -size short -o ./build/test.hex -target=microbit ./examples/at24cx/main.go 8220 8220 0 0.00% 4732 4732 0 0.00% tinygo build -size short -o ./build/test.hex -target=itsybitsy-m0 ./examples/bh1750/main.go 7508 7508 0 0.00% 4732 4732 0 0.00% tinygo build -size short -o ./build/test.hex -target=itsybitsy-m0 ./examples/blinkm/main.go 70220 70220 0 0.00% 3676 3676 0 0.00% tinygo build -size short -o ./build/test.hex -target=pinetime ./examples/bma42x/main.go 63156 63156 0 0.00% 6160 6160 0 0.00% tinygo build -size short -o ./build/test.hex -target=itsybitsy-m0 ./examples/bmi160/main.go 27644 27644 0 0.00% 4772 4772 0 0.00% tinygo build -size short -o ./build/test.hex -target=itsybitsy-m0 ./examples/bmp180/main.go 63264 63264 0 0.00% 6192 6192 0 0.00% tinygo build -size short -o ./build/test.hex -target=itsybitsy-m0 ./examples/bmp280/main.go 12212 12212 0 0.00% 4804 4804 0 0.00% tinygo build -size short -o ./build/test.hex -target=trinket-m0 ./examples/bmp388/main.go 8128 8128 0 0.00% 3332 3332 0 0.00% tinygo build -size short -o ./build/test.hex -target=bluepill ./examples/ds1307/sram/main.go 22088 22088 0 0.00% 3528 3528 0 0.00% tinygo build -size short -o ./build/test.hex -target=bluepill ./examples/ds1307/time/main.go 69044 69044 0 0.00% 6332 6332 0 0.00% tinygo build -size short -o ./build/test.hex -target=itsybitsy-m0 ./examples/ds3231/main.go 4704 4704 0 0.00% 2264 2264 0 0.00% tinygo build -size short -o ./build/test.hex -target=microbit ./examples/easystepper/main.go 24792 24792 0 0.00% 6292 6292 0 0.00% tinygo build -size short -o ./build/test.hex -target=arduino-nano33 ./examples/espat/espconsole/main.go 24940 24940 0 0.00% 6292 6292 0 0.00% tinygo build -size short -o ./build/test.hex -target=arduino-nano33 ./examples/espat/esphub/main.go 24792 24792 0 0.00% 6292 6292 0 0.00% tinygo build -size short -o ./build/test.hex -target=arduino-nano33 ./examples/espat/espstation/main.go 68620 68620 0 0.00% 6940 6940 0 0.00% tinygo build -size short -o ./build/test.hex -target=itsybitsy-m0 ./examples/flash/console/spi 64652 64652 0 0.00% 8980 8980 0 0.00% tinygo build -size short -o ./build/test.hex -target=pyportal ./examples/flash/console/qspi 7040 7040 0 0.00% 2264 2264 0 0.00% tinygo build -size short -o ./build/test.hex -target=microbit ./examples/gc9a01/main.go 67468 67468 0 0.00% 6336 6336 0 0.00% tinygo build -size short -o ./build/test.hex -target=feather-m0 ./examples/gps/i2c/main.go 67896 67896 0 0.00% 6472 6472 0 0.00% tinygo build -size short -o ./build/test.hex -target=feather-m0 ./examples/gps/uart/main.go 8260 8260 0 0.00% 4732 4732 0 0.00% tinygo build -size short -o ./build/test.hex -target=itsybitsy-m0 ./examples/hcsr04/main.go 5612 5612 0 0.00% 2264 2264 0 0.00% tinygo build -size short -o ./build/test.hex -target=microbit ./examples/hd44780/customchar/main.go 5656 5656 0 0.00% 2264 2264 0 0.00% tinygo build -size short -o ./build/test.hex -target=microbit ./examples/hd44780/text/main.go 10440 10440 0 0.00% 4740 4740 0 0.00% tinygo build -size short -o ./build/test.hex -target=arduino-nano33 ./examples/hd44780i2c/main.go 14496 14496 0 0.00% 6556 6556 0 0.00% tinygo build -size short -o ./build/test.hex -target=nano-33-ble ./examples/hts221/main.go 16868 16868 0 0.00% 2344 2344 0 0.00% tinygo build -size short -o ./build/test.hex -target=microbit ./examples/hub75/main.go 10056 10056 0 0.00% 6900 6900 0 0.00% tinygo build -size short -o ./build/test.hex -target=pyportal ./examples/ili9341/basic 10696 10696 0 0.00% 4852 4852 0 0.00% tinygo build -size short -o ./build/test.hex -target=xiao ./examples/ili9341/basic 28996 28996 0 0.00% 38060 38060 0 0.00% tinygo build -size short -o ./build/test.hex -target=pyportal ./examples/ili9341/pyportal_boing 10080 10080 0 0.00% 6908 6908 0 0.00% tinygo build -size short -o ./build/test.hex -target=pyportal ./examples/ili9341/scroll 10784 10784 0 0.00% 4860 4860 0 0.00% tinygo build -size short -o ./build/test.hex -target=xiao ./examples/ili9341/scroll 263072 263072 0 0.00% 46720 46720 0 0.00% tinygo build -size short -o ./build/test.hex -target=pyportal ./examples/ili9341/slideshow 11784 11784 0 0.00% 4772 4772 0 0.00% tinygo build -size short -o ./build/test.hex -target=circuitplay-express ./examples/lis3dh/main.go 13840 13840 0 0.00% 6556 6556 0 0.00% tinygo build -size short -o ./build/test.hex -target=nano-33-ble ./examples/lps22hb/main.go 26052 26052 0 0.00% 2312 2312 0 0.00% tinygo build -size short -o ./build/test.hex -target=microbit ./examples/lsm303agr/main.go 12360 12360 0 0.00% 4780 4780 0 0.00% tinygo build -size short -o ./build/test.hex -target=arduino-nano33 ./examples/lsm6ds3/main.go 10800 10800 0 0.00% 4732 4732 0 0.00% tinygo build -size short -o ./build/test.hex -target=itsybitsy-m0 ./examples/mag3110/main.go 10004 10004 0 0.00% 4764 4764 0 0.00% tinygo build -size short -o ./build/test.hex -target=itsybitsy-m0 ./examples/mcp23017/main.go 10424 10424 0 0.00% 4772 4772 0 0.00% tinygo build -size short -o ./build/test.hex -target=itsybitsy-m0 ./examples/mcp23017-multiple/main.go 9692 9692 0 0.00% 4732 4732 0 0.00% tinygo build -size short -o ./build/test.hex -target=itsybitsy-m0 ./examples/mcp3008/main.go 66752 66752 0 0.00% 6160 6160 0 0.00% tinygo build -size short -o ./build/test.hex -target=itsybitsy-m0 ./examples/mcp2515/main.go 22884 22884 0 0.00% 2424 2424 0 0.00% tinygo build -size short -o ./build/test.hex -target=microbit ./examples/microbitmatrix/main.go 22892 22892 0 0.00% 4468 4468 0 0.00% tinygo build -size short -o ./build/test.hex -target=microbit-v2 ./examples/microbitmatrix/main.go 8320 8320 0 0.00% 4740 4740 0 0.00% tinygo build -size short -o ./build/test.hex -target=itsybitsy-m0 ./examples/mma8653/main.go 8232 8232 0 0.00% 4732 4732 0 0.00% tinygo build -size short -o ./build/test.hex -target=itsybitsy-m0 ./examples/mpu6050/main.go 74908 74908 0 0.00% 7444 7444 0 0.00% tinygo build -size short -o ./build/test.hex -target=p1am-100 ./examples/p1am/main.go 12124 12124 0 0.00% 3336 3336 0 0.00% tinygo build -size short -o ./build/test.hex -target=pico ./examples/pca9685/main.go 6068 6068 0 0.00% 3272 3272 0 0.00% tinygo build -size short -o ./build/test.hex -target=microbit ./examples/pcd8544/setbuffer/main.go 5104 5104 0 0.00% 2264 2264 0 0.00% tinygo build -size short -o ./build/test.hex -target=microbit ./examples/pcd8544/setpixel/main.go 2697 2697 0 0.00% 556 556 0 0.00% tinygo build -size short -o ./build/test.hex -target=arduino ./examples/servo 7940 7940 0 0.00% 6780 6780 0 0.00% tinygo build -size short -o ./build/test.hex -target=pybadge ./examples/shifter/main.go 56400 56400 0 0.00% 3652 3652 0 0.00% tinygo build -size short -o ./build/test.hex -target=microbit ./examples/sht3x/main.go 56456 56456 0 0.00% 3660 3660 0 0.00% tinygo build -size short -o ./build/test.hex -target=microbit ./examples/sht4x/main.go 56372 56372 0 0.00% 3652 3652 0 0.00% tinygo build -size short -o ./build/test.hex -target=microbit ./examples/shtc3/main.go 6460 6460 0 0.00% 2272 2272 0 0.00% tinygo build -size short -o ./build/test.hex -target=microbit ./examples/ssd1306/i2c_128x32/main.go 5964 5964 0 0.00% 2264 2264 0 0.00% tinygo build -size short -o ./build/test.hex -target=microbit ./examples/ssd1306/spi_128x64/main.go 5676 5676 0 0.00% 2264 2264 0 0.00% tinygo build -size short -o ./build/test.hex -target=microbit ./examples/ssd1331/main.go 6376 6376 0 0.00% 2264 2264 0 0.00% tinygo build -size short -o ./build/test.hex -target=microbit ./examples/st7735/main.go 6232 6232 0 0.00% 2264 2264 0 0.00% tinygo build -size short -o ./build/test.hex -target=microbit ./examples/st7789/main.go 17044 17044 0 0.00% 4732 4732 0 0.00% tinygo build -size short -o ./build/test.hex -target=circuitplay-express ./examples/thermistor/main.go 10292 10292 0 0.00% 4516 4516 0 0.00% tinygo build -size short -o ./build/test.hex -target=circuitplay-bluefruit ./examples/tone 9972 9972 0 0.00% 4732 4732 0 0.00% tinygo build -size short -o ./build/test.hex -target=arduino-nano33 ./examples/tm1637/main.go 9396 9396 0 0.00% 6772 6772 0 0.00% tinygo build -size short -o ./build/test.hex -target=pyportal ./examples/touch/resistive/fourwire/main.go 12468 12468 0 0.00% 6984 6984 0 0.00% tinygo build -size short -o ./build/test.hex -target=pyportal ./examples/touch/resistive/pyportal_touchpaint/main.go 15708 15708 0 0.00% 4740 4740 0 0.00% tinygo build -size short -o ./build/test.hex -target=itsybitsy-m0 ./examples/vl53l1x/main.go 13736 13736 0 0.00% 4740 4740 0 0.00% tinygo build -size short -o ./build/test.hex -target=itsybitsy-m0 ./examples/vl6180x/main.go 6432 6432 0 0.00% 2304 2304 0 0.00% tinygo build -size short -o ./build/test.hex -target=microbit ./examples/waveshare-epd/epd2in13/main.go 6004 6004 0 0.00% 2296 2296 0 0.00% tinygo build -size short -o ./build/test.hex -target=microbit ./examples/waveshare-epd/epd2in13x/main.go 6260 6260 0 0.00% 2304 2304 0 0.00% tinygo build -size short -o ./build/test.hex -target=microbit ./examples/waveshare-epd/epd4in2/main.go 1873133 1873133 0 0.00% 417624 417624 0 0.00%
@aykevl The final stage is still on Go 1.21: FROM golang:1.21 AS tinygo-compiler
- was this on purpose or by mistake? :)
If it was by mistake, here is my suggestion:
FROM golang:1.22 AS golang-base
FROM golang-base AS tinygo-llvm
FROM golang-base AS tinygo-compiler
Something like this could prevent such version skew in future.
@b0ch3nski that was a mistake (see https://github.com/tinygo-org/tinygo/pull/4158#issuecomment-1966432185). It was essentially a merge failure. I don't think it's very useful to add more complexity to the Dockerfile just for this purpose.
I expect we still want to remove these files in the interest of reducing the overall size.
I expect we still want to remove these files in the interest of reducing the overall size.
What do you mean? They don't affect the resulting docker container, only the intermediary container.
They don't affect the resulting docker container, only the intermediary container.
That is correct. However it was the LLVM build step that needed the extra space in order to build correctly, which is why we need to clear space for that.
However it was the LLVM build step that needed the extra space in order to build correctly
Ah, I see. Thanks for clarifying!