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Reactive Extensions (Rx) integration for Akka.NET


Reactive Extensions (Rx) integration for Akka.NET

This library was originally used to sketch out ideas, but is now being actively developed based on community feedback. Contributions or contributors are welcome :)

Note that this targets .NET Core, and so if you want to work with it you'll need to add the Akka.NET CoreCLR package feed to your NuGet.config.

Functionality currently includes:

  • Wrap an IActorRef in an IObserver
    • Uses the actor's designated scheduler to deliver messages to it
    • Calling IObserver::OnError will deliver a special messsage to the actor containing the error.
      • Will consider making this behaviour customisable, depending on use case
        • E.g. Stop actor, somehow cause it to fault, or even specify a supervision policy.
    • Calling IObserver::OnCompleted will by default send the actor a PoisonPill message (but this will be configurable)
  • Subject actor (and wrapper ISubject implementation for communicating with it)
    • Messages sent to IObserver::OnNext are sent to the actor to be published via IObservable::Subscribe
    • Calling IObserver::OnError will deliver a special messsage to the target actor containing the error.
    • Subject actor terminates once IObservable::OnCompleted is called
    • Target actor will (optionally?) be sent a PoisonPill when IObservable::OnCompleted is called
    • Subject's outgoing OnCompleted will not be called until the subject actor itself has terminated.
  • Rx wrappers for for Akka ActorEventBus
    • ISubject
    • IObservable
    • IObserver
  • Rx wrappers for Akka EventBus
    • These will require delegates to perform actual subscribe / unsubscribe / publish
    • Might also create standard wrapper (with default delegate implementations) for well-known EventBus patterns (such as channel / sub-channel classifiers).

Example usage for actor-to-ISubject:

class ReverseActor
    : ReceiveActor
    public ReverseActor()
        Receive<string>(message =>
            char[] buffer = message.ToCharArray();
                new String(buffer)
    protected override void PostStop()
        Console.WriteLine("ReverseActor stopped.");

IActorRef reverseActor = system.ActorOf(

ISubject<string> reverseSubject = await system.Reactive().CreateSubjectAsync<string>(reverseActor);

// Log to console
    reversed => Console.WriteLine(reversed),
    () => Console.WriteLine("Done.");


Which should produce output:

ReverseActor stopped.