electron-inject icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
electron-inject copied to clipboard

Inject javascript into closed source electron applications e.g. to enable developer tools for debugging.

Results 4 electron-inject issues
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It works well, but when I press F12, the console says "require is not defined". How can I resolve it ?

## Test Procedure The following is the contents of `test.js` ```js setInterval(()=>{console.log("test")}, 100) ``` If it is successfully injected, we should see `test` logged to the console 10 times every...

Hi! Thanks for creating this! I was having an issue where the debugger websocket connection was blocked by the electron runtime and needed to add `--remote-allow-origins` in order to allow...

So I ran into situation where the app ( TradingView desktop version ) opens up a new renderer threads during the usage for example when opening a chart for a...