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base16-vim refreshes and commits new themes weekly automatically and has a documented build process.

Results 9 base16-vim issues
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`let base16background=none` in vimrc to activate # Description Terminal backgrounds are typically configured to be the same colour as base00, but (most?) terminals can treat them as a separate palette...

Using a base16 colorscheme from this repo does not support transparent backgrounds. I use a transparent background on my terminal, and would very much like to use one in vim...

The issue described in #23 still exists since the PR seems to have been reverted. The foreground colour of error highlights makes the text nearly indistinguishable from the cursor line...

`base16-vim` currently doesn't highlight the [barbar.nvim]( bar. It could! **Describe the solution you'd like** Here are the groups that need to be defined. The color variables don't exist on `base16-vim`...

# Description This PR removes all of the `TS` highlight groups that were removed from nvim-treesitter in I've also removed the link for `TSVariable` all together as neovim does...

This commit removed obsolete TS* highlight groups: This has to be done: I will do it the next days.


## Describe the bug I get this error in `:Lualinenotices`: `theme(base16): nvim-base16 is not currently present in your runtimepath, make sure it is properly installed, fallback to default colors.` ##...
