Konstantin Sivakov
Konstantin Sivakov
@frafra maybe you can use the ``` if h.ckan_version() > '2.9' ``` in the templates to use the newer routes
can you please provide more information about the setup, are you using local filestore or the files are stored on some external service
We had similar problem when datapusher was getting the file from S3, in that case we started our server with more workers. Can you please try the same?
@amercader i will take look on this issue too
@amercader currently i could set only authorized users to be able to access to 'user_list' ``` def user_list(context, data_dict): # Users list is visible by default auth_user_obj = context.get('auth_user_obj') if...
What about this one to get backported ? I guess it will be helpfull for extensions working on 2.9 @ckan/core
Thanks @kowh-ai didnt noticed that i have omitted that line
@raobregon there are custom harvesters where you could use custom filters but keep in mind that you need to create mapping from source to CKAN metadata fields
This one could be useful for next patch release
We had some work done at Salsa and using this [extension](https://github.com/salsadigitalauorg/ckanext-fortify). It is based on @boykoc and @ThrawnCA previous work and we had adapted it for 2.9+ and i guess...