It would be great to have a useFragment that just works everywhere. I've gotten fragments to work on the server w/ a server-specific useFragment and prop-drilling the environment, but having...
Do you have ideas on how to handle usePaginationFragment?
Could it be feasible to break up usePaginationFragment, where the initial fetch is done on the server, and the refetch is imported into a Server Action?
Here are some observations I thought I'd share, as I've been trying to wrap my mind around this. Please correct me where I'm wrong :). Traditional Query / Fragment composition...
Thank you for this, @alunyov! Having experimented with this integration more myself, my main outstanding question is how to best get data into RSCs, especially if they’re deeply nested. The...
@alunyov I've been using your example repo as a reference; it's been very helpful, thank you! One thing I'm curious about: in environment.ts, why is QueryResponseCache instantiated conditionally on IS_SERVER?...
I'm having an issue with stale data coming out of usePreloadedQuery (the triggering condition in my case is deleting cookies and reloading). The current (and correct) data is coming through...
The current order of imports wreaks havoc when CSS Cascade Layers are being used. The defined layer precedence that belongs in the root layout file gets read after the application...
@shuding if you'll please read my comment below, ```@layer``` is not working. > The indeterministic order of imports wreaks havoc when CSS Cascade Layers are being used. The defined layer...
The multiple imports also causes animation issues. If you want, say, a no-js fade in for a module on a dedicated route, a CSS module with an animate property could...