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System unavailable after deployment
After deploying Tinkerbell chart in my K3s cluster, my session hangs and get a client_loop: send disconnect: Broken pipe
When checking the interface configuration via console, I noticed that my IP config is removed from the primary interface.
Expected Behaviour
Server stays online and reachable
Current Behaviour
Server is unreachable
Noticed the following messages in the kube-vip logging:
time="2024-05-14T11:53:08Z" level=info msg="(svcs) adding VIP [[]] for [kube-system/traefik]"
time="2024-05-14T11:53:08Z" level=info msg="[service] synchronised in 7ms"
time="2024-05-14T11:53:08Z" level=warning msg="(svcs) already found existing address [] on adapter [eno1]"
time="2024-05-14T11:53:11Z" level=warning msg="Re-applying the VIP configuration [] to the interface [eno1]"
Possible Solution
Possible to use stack.lbClass
, but I don't know which class to use.
Steps to Reproduce (for bugs)
trusted_proxies=$(kubectl get nodes -o jsonpath='{.items[*].spec.podCIDR}' | tr ' ' ',')
helm install tink-stack charts/tinkerbell/charts/stack --create-namespace --namespace tink-system --wait --set "smee.trustedProxies={${trusted_proxies}}" --set "hegel.trustedProxies={${trusted_proxies}}" --set "stack.loadBalancerIP=$LB_IP" --set "smee.publicIP=$LB_IP"
- system gets unreachable
Cannot use the Kubernetes cluster anymore nor Tinkerbell environment
Your Environment
Operating System and version (e.g. Linux, Windows, MacOS): Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS with K3s version 1.30.0+k3s1
How are you running Tinkerbell? Using Vagrant & VirtualBox, Vagrant & Libvirt, on Packet using Terraform, or give details: KVM
Link to your project or a code example to reproduce issue: K3s is deployed with default settings
Hey @rgruyters. It appears that you might have used an IP for your load balancer that is in use. The load balancer IP needs to be a free and unused IP in the same layer 2 network as eno1 interface. Reference
I don't have an IP address that is in use. The interface eno1
has an IP of
. The loadbalancer IP is
. Although both are within the same subnet.
Somehow kube-vip sees the interface and registered the primary IP address as well. Which it shouldn't. Probable because traefik uses it within the cluster. (K3s uses traefik for servicelb)
I have checked the yaml output of kube-vip, but I can only find the loadbalancer IP. (which it should)
For now, I have disabled servicelb
service within K3s, but wondering if I can use the servicelb
instead of kube-vip
ah ok. yeah looks like kubevip + traefik is requesting the same IP as the host. (svcs) adding VIP [[]] for [kube-system/traefik]
You can disable kubevip in the chart and use any other load balancer. Use stack.kubevip.enabled: false
and stack.lbClass
equal to your existing load balancer.
Tried settings stack.lbClass
to kube-system/traefik
or even traefik
but didn't work. The External IP stays in pending state.
Is there a way to find what the loadbalancer class is available?
I tried a few things using k3d and setting --set "stack.kubevip.enabled=false"
and --set "stack.lbClass="
seems to be working for me. Let me know if that helps.
That works! Thanks!
I had a similar issue yesterday - also running the tinkerbell chart on k3s. The control-plane did not complain, but my worker nodes running k3s-agent lost connectivity on their primary enp4s0 interface. I figured out that the kube-vip ds is somehow causing the issue.
My solution (probably a workaround) was to add node affinity to the tinkerbell chart s.t. the kube-vip ds only runs on the control-plane nodes as suggested in:
I just replaced the whole kube-vip by setting --set "stack.kubevip.enabled=false"
and --set "stack.lbClass=null"
-> using k3s built-in load balancer implementation ServiceLB aka klipper.
There seems to be some kube-vip issue on k3s...