Michael Tinker
Michael Tinker
**Description**: - _TBD_
**Description**: - Cherry-pick #14609
**Description**: - Closes #14615
### Description As can be seen in [this](https://scans.gradle.com/s/6dzmgl6rkua3i/tests/task/:test-clients:test/details/com.hedera.services.bdd.suites.validation.LogValidationTest/logsContainNoUnexpectedProblems()%5B1%5D?top-execution=1) build scan, it is possible the `ReconnectListener` registered with platform notifications is **not** the listener constructed during the latest call to `SwirldState#init()`....
### Problem Multiple tests override throttle definitions but then restore to a _throttles.json_ under `test-system-files/` instead of what was previously active on the test network. ### Solution If a `@LeakyHapiTest`...
### Description The record of an `EthereumTransaction` resolving to `CONSENSUS_GAS_EXHAUSTED` did not get its `ethereum_hash` field set. ### Steps to reproduce As above. ### Additional context _No response_ ### Hedera...
**Description**: - Adds a GH action to validate Services will still compile with the protobufs on a PR to `main`.
### Description Even though `CryptoCreateHandler` puts [two aliases](https://github.com/hashgraph/hedera-services/blob/develop/hedera-node/hedera-token-service-impl/src/main/java/com/hedera/node/app/service/token/impl/handlers/CryptoCreateHandler.java#L287) for the case of an ECDSA key alias, we see `TokenServiceApiImpl` removes at [most one alias](https://github.com/hashgraph/hedera-services/blob/develop/hedera-node/hedera-token-service-impl/src/main/java/com/hedera/node/app/service/token/impl/api/TokenServiceApiImpl.java#L506). This inconsistency doesn't really make sense....
**Description**: - Adds `TransactionOutput` fields for `SCHEDULE_CREATE`, `TOKEN_AIRDROP`, and `ETHEREUM_TRANSACTION` that are necessary to recover the full record stream from the block stream. - Includes some javadoc improvements in block_stream_info.proto.