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SwiftScripting copied to clipboard

imports missing

Open mattneub opened this issue 5 years ago • 1 comments

This is not a huge deal, but please note that _ sbhc.py_ is omitting to start the resulting file with necessary import lines. For example, I did

sdef /Applications/iTunes.app > iTunes.sdef
sdp -fh --basename iTunes iTunes.sdef
sbhc.py iTunes.h
sbsc.py iTunes.sdef

and imported those into my project, and the project didn't compile. I was able to fix that by adding

import Foundation
import ScriptingBridge

at the top of iTunes.swift. But it seems to me that the Python script should have done that for me.

mattneub avatar Apr 27 '19 15:04 mattneub


This issue is solved by https://github.com/tingraldi/SwiftScripting/pull/22

The problem was a good hint to the root cause of a bigger issue: poor cmake couldn't find the proper header files but didn't bother to tell us about it :-/

adam-rocska avatar Feb 20 '21 18:02 adam-rocska