Results 76 comments of Tim Vink

I'm still playing with the metric to use for `tol`. Probably better to use the max absolute percentage difference from the mean. Easier to interpret: a feature category's proportion should...

> Did you create this method? I did. > Would you be able to add some links for more information? I don't have them. I would need to spend more...

Good suggestion Gilles, I will experiment with OHE + DropHighPSI also. (Indeed long time, nice to run into you here!)

I find DBML to be a really clean syntax, and the visualization over at looks sweet. I'd like to use DBML as part of our model documentation, that we...

Nice! In the meantime, I'll look into [`dmbl-renderer`]( and see if I can integrate it into mkdocs.

I saw the reference to this issue on the mkdocs-material issue. I'm the author of `mkdocs-print-site-plugin`. The main feature of that plugin is being able to combine all markdown pages...

The reason we have `metric_uncertainty` in `probatus` is because reporting uncertainty in model performance is often overlooked. It's an important part of "validate binary classification models and the data used...

Good example:

You're referring to this class correct? I agree it's an interesting approach. I'm not yet convinced it's an interesting approach from a user perspective (data scientist building a model)....