Timur Hairulin
Timur Hairulin
Now render updates server in a cycle. It will send that task is finished or anything else till server says that it got it. But as far as i understand...
Hello! I want to notice one important detain in this issue. When render _stucks_ it is online and can run tasks that does not _stucks_? So not the entire render...
Hello! Very strange log. I have not see such errors. So, you can't reproduce the bug? What is the version, OS, how much clients? All clients not close socket, or...
If you connect to afserver, you should close socket first after the server answer. https://cgru.readthedocs.io/en/latest/afanasy/server.html#time-wait Web browsers do not closes sockets sometimes. If you have such big amount of clients,...
I am not familiar with with github actions and workers. But making releases automatic it good! I usually create releases for 2 latest versions Ubuntu LTS, Debian stable, RedHat compatible...
Hello, Jimmy! There are some other issues to speed up server start and reduce memory usage to keep larger amount of jobs. 1. On start let server solve constructed jobs...
Translation is in the tltle now.
For this, we should add an extra task state "Pending". This is new state will be needed for other things, not only for PPA.
Hello, Oli! Right now I implementing SUSPENDED task state, needed for manual (from outside) dependence solving between tasks. This is not a big deal, and I think i will finish...
This day at our studio we are working on an updated server. It seems everything is ok. Binary compatibility was not broken, so you can test.