Timur Hairulin
Timur Hairulin
Hi Oliver! This is a priority, not a hosts mask. `/berlin/station/32` has 99 and `/berlin/farm/256` has 0, but not disabled. But, If some pool priority is 100 - zero (not...
Also, I forgot to say, that priority -100 disables pool.
`"/berlin/farm/32": 100`
1. Yes. 2. To make pools to work like hosts mask within the same priority parameter, to not to add more parameter(s).
event jobs / sys jobs do not show stdout of commands executed but print massive amount of other info
Hi! System task has lots of starts (sessions) and the way that a commont task stores output is not suitable for it. But the logging way is more suitable. Latest...
event jobs / sys jobs do not show stdout of commands executed but print massive amount of other info
Hi! Log is for informational purposes only. If not in log, where it should be stored? It can't be stored as output, as each task session output server stores on...
event jobs / sys jobs do not show stdout of commands executed but print massive amount of other info
For system task incoming command contains all info. System service should use this info to construct command. But I agree, as i told before, it was done long ago, and...
Python list has method reverse() Maybe the error is somewhere else?
Maybe labes is not a list just after this: labels = renderLayers.values() Maybe there should be: labels = list(renderLayers.values())
event jobs / sys jobs do not show stdout of commands executed but print massive amount of other info
No, we can't. This is not a usual task. We should not store it.