daybird icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
daybird copied to clipboard

Notes + task management app (elixir backend, preact frontend)


Daybird is a daily planning app with calendar and tasks. A hosted version can be found at

Built with Phoenix/Elixir and Typescript/Preact, and uses Postgres as the DB.

Pull requests welcome, as are issues and discussions.

Building from Source

Installation instructions:

  1. Install asdf and postgres
# Mac: brew install asdf postgresql@12
# Ubuntu: apt-get install asdf postgresql-12
  1. Install relevant asdf plugins:
asdf plugin add elixir
asdf plugin add erlang
asdf plugin add nodejs
asdf plugin add yarn
  1. Install dependencies and initialize database
asdf install
cd assets && yarn
mix deps.get
mix ecto.setup
  1. Start the phoenix server
mix phx.server

Now you can visit localhost:4000 from your browser.

Running tests

Backend tests can be run with make test

Deploying to a server

The scripts/ folder has build and deployment scripts for easy deployment on a remote server. At a high level, the steps are:

  1. Set up an nginx configuration. See scripts/nginx.conf for an example configuration.

  2. Set up Postgres and populate the environment with secrets (see scripts/secrets.example.env.

    • (Optional) Set up AWS S3 (or any compatible service) for file storage and a Google Cloud OAuth key for Calendar sync.
  3. Git clone your repo and use mix phx.server to start it.