Tims Gardner

Results 46 issues of Tims Gardner

link to unity messages, arcadia api when elements of them are first mentioned

messages vs hooks vs hook-types vs event functions vs callbacks

For example, ```typescript const installed = await installExtensions([REACT_DEVELOPER_TOOLS, REDUX_DEVTOOLS]); console.log('installed:', installed); ``` will print ``` installed: Redux DevTools ``` whereas the jsdocs suggest it should return the names of all...

Notion tracks page history (at least for paid plans). This can be useful for determining when a task was completed, for example. Is there a way to access page history...

help wanted

This is a valid multimethod: ```clojure (defmethod some-fun (let [x (range 10000) y (interleave x x) z (->> (take-nth (nth x 5) y) (filter odd?) (map str) (map first) (apply...


This form doesn't work: ``` (m/faster (let [d (System.Collections.Immutable.ImmutableDictionary|[System.Object,System.Object]|/Empty)] d)) ``` throws: ``` System.TypeLoadException: Cannot bind generic parameters of a non-generic type NO_CLASS.NO_METHOD System.Reflection.MonoAssembly.GetType (System.String, System.Boolean, System.Boolean) System.Reflection.Assembly.GetType (System.String, System.Boolean)...


This doesn't work in either ClojureCLR or Magic. ```clojure (defn uquery ^|UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryBuilder`1[UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement]| [] (new |UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryBuilder`1[UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement]| nil)) (m/faster (let [;;cvw (coroutine-visualizer-window) ^String str-nil nil] (-> (uquery) (.Class "coroutine-row-immediate-container") (.OfType (type-args UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement)...


Would be nice if this worked: ```clojure (m/faster (System.Tuple/Create :a :b)) ``` Instead, throws: ``` clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: Could not find static method Create with args [clojure.lang.Keyword clojure.lang.Keyword] for type System.Tuple while...


```clojure (ac/defmutable CoroutineManagerState [^System.Single since-last, ^System.Single period]) (ac/defrole simple-coroutines-manager :state (ac/snapshot (->CoroutineManagerState 0 20)) (update [obj k] (m/faster (let [cms ^CoroutineManagerState (ac/lookup obj k)] (if (< (.since-last cms) (.period cms))...

This form, in normal Clojure, compiles and works: ``` (defn uquery [] (new |UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryBuilder`1[UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement]| nil)) ``` This form, using Magic, does not: ``` (m/defn uquery [] (new |UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryBuilder`1[UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement]| nil)) ```...