Timo van de Put
Timo van de Put
There is no source code tag for released version 1.3.1. Please add a tag for every release.
I love this component; thank you for taking over maintenance from the original author. The color scheme uses the secondary color for the selection dial, while the Material date and...
I am developing a Flutter Web application, and use [widget testing](https://docs.flutter.dev/cookbook/testing/widget/introduction) to verify if the integrated application behaves like it should. Navigation between the pages in my app works beautifully...
There appears to be no tag for recent releases (like 6.1.2) in the source archive. Please tag released versions, so the source for each version is clear.
I find myself making the same mistake over and over again because the target type is `int` and not "integer". (I ended up creating an alias as an extension method;...
To create nested structures of JSON objects, it makes sense to build them using `JsonObject.fromJson(...)`. But when I try to put any `JsonValue` inside such structure, parsing throws an exception...
There appears to be no tag for recent releases (like 6.1.2) in the source archive. Please tag released versions, so the source for each version is clear.