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godot-applinks copied to clipboard

Godot Android Plugin (3.2.2+) for getting intent data for App Links


This is a simple Godot Android plugin that allows you to read the view intent URL of the main activity. Useful for e.g. opening deep links in your game.

Installation & Usage

  1. Enable Android Custom Build for your project
  2. Grab and extract the latest binary and plugin config from the releases tab into res://android/plugins/
  3. In your Anndroid export settings, make sure the AppLinks plugin is enabled
  4. Add a new Intent Filter to your res://android/build/AndroidManifest.xml, e.g.:
    <intent-filter android:autoVerify="true">
        <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
        <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
        <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
        <data android:scheme="https"
              android:pathPattern="/.*" />

Now you can get the Intent URL using the AppLinks singleton when your game starts:

if Engine.has_singleton('AppLinks'):
	var applinks = Engine.get_singleton('AppLinks')
	var app_url = applinks.getUrl()
	# Do something with app_url...

Also make sure you re-check the Intent URL when your app is resumed. Deep links will not work when the app is already running in the background otherwise.

func _notification(what):

Compiling manually

  1. Open this project in Android Studio
  2. Grab the matching godot-lib.<version>.<target>.aar from the Godot Engine downloads page
  3. Add the downloaded godot-lib.<version>.<target>.aar as an Android Library, see here
  4. In Android Studio, click Build > Make Project
  5. Once finished, you'll find the generated aar file in ./app/build/outputs/aar