django-tailwind icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
django-tailwind copied to clipboard

Does not work with S3

Open KWTechKevin opened this issue 1 year ago • 5 comments

Tailwind fails to load when static files are handled through S3. All html are rendered without css.

Relevant settings are as follows

INSTALLED_APPS = [ 'django.contrib.admin', 'django.contrib.auth', 'django.contrib.contenttypes', 'django.contrib.sessions', 'django.contrib.messages', 'django.contrib.staticfiles',


#s3 stuff

#custom apps


#css stuff TAILWIND_APP_NAME = 'theme'

#node NPM_BIN_PATH = '/usr/local/bin/npm'


AWS_S3_OBJECT_PARAMETERS = { 'CacheControl': 'max-age=86400', }


AWS_HEADERS = { 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*', }

STATICFILES_DIRS = [ os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'static'), ]

AWS_LOCATION = 'static' AWS_MEDIA = 'media' STATIC_URL = 'https://%s/%s/' % (AWS_S3_CUSTOM_DOMAIN, AWS_LOCATION) MEDIA_URL = 'https://%s/%s/' % (AWS_S3_CUSTOM_DOMAIN, AWS_MEDIA) #STATIC_URL = 'theme/static/'

DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE = 'storages.backends.s3boto3.S3Boto3Storage'

STATICFILES_STORAGE = 'storages.backends.s3boto3.S3Boto3Storage' #media #end S3 stuff

My pip is as follows: pip freeze arrow==1.2.3 asgiref==3.7.2 binaryornot==0.4.4 boto3==1.26.150 botocore==1.29.150 certifi==2023.5.7 chardet==5.1.0 charset-normalizer==3.1.0 click==8.1.3 cookiecutter==2.1.1 Django==4.2.1 django-appconf==1.0.5 django-browser-reload==1.9.0 django-storages==1.13.2 django-tailwind==3.5.0 gunicorn==20.1.0 idna==3.4 Jinja2==3.1.2 jinja2-time==0.2.0 jmespath==1.0.1 mariadb==1.1.6 MarkupSafe==2.1.3 mysqlclient==2.1.1 packaging==23.1 Pillow==9.5.0 python-dateutil==2.8.2 python-slugify==8.0.1 PyYAML==6.0 rcssmin==1.1.1 requests==2.31.0 rjsmin==1.2.1 s3transfer==0.6.1 six==1.16.0 sqlparse==0.4.4 text-unidecode==1.3 typing_extensions==4.6.3 urllib3==1.26.16 uWSGI==2.0.21

KWTechKevin avatar Jun 09 '23 14:06 KWTechKevin

I'm having a similar problem, for some reason I don't think collectstatic is copying the CSS files to the S3 bucket.

I'm experiencing it with Google cloud storage, but the same behavior.

pmyjavec avatar Jul 15 '23 05:07 pmyjavec

I am using Digital Ocean Space -- Not working also. Any ideas anyone?

anefta avatar Jul 27 '23 11:07 anefta

Just so you know, I was having a problem with deploying via the gcloud cli. I was "submitting" a build and deploy via the cli which would archive my workspace / django app and upload it to Google cloud build. I didn't realize but gcloud builds submit respects the .gitignore, which I had setup with a pre-generated ignore, ignoring dist/ directories. This is a problem because obviously, some tailwind assets are held in dist directories and they weren't being uploaded so it seemed like collectstatic was just ignoring files, but it wasn't, they just weren't there. It was highly confusing but unrelated to this library.

@anefta I skimmed your config, it looked ok to me. What do the "inspector" or developer tools in your browser tell you is happening ?

pmyjavec avatar Jul 27 '23 12:07 pmyjavec

@KWTechKevin did you ever resolve this issue? I've been using this library with S3 as my static file storage and it has been working really well. The only thing that I've had to do is ensure that I both build and collect static on my prod instance which updates the S3 locations.

chrisking avatar Apr 04 '24 13:04 chrisking

@KWTechKevin did you ever resolve this issue? I've been using this library with S3 as my static file storage and it has been working really well. The only thing that I've had to do is ensure that I both build and collect static on my prod instance which updates the S3 locations.

Nope, never did manage to resolve it. Ended up decoupling the application.

KWTechKevin avatar Apr 05 '24 02:04 KWTechKevin