KTLoadingButton icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
KTLoadingButton copied to clipboard

Simple loading button for kotlin andorid apps


Simple loading button for kotlin android apps. This button can show results in a nicely designed way to not block the ui while the user is waiting.

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  • You can set a validation function if the button should show the loading animation (e.g. if a text field is not filled correctly):
test_button.validation = { // call a function for validation }


  1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file
allprojects {
		repositories {
			maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
  1. Add the dependency
dependencies {
		implementation 'com.github.timonknispel:KTLoadingButton:XXXX'

Where XXXX need to be replaced by the version showen in the badge above.


Example needed? Look inside the app folder

  1. Add the KTLoadingButton to your layout
  1. DONE Now all you have to do is to start the button. This can be done in several ways.


Automatically by setting a onClickListener :

test_button.setOnClickListener {}

Simply call :


This will start the loading animation of the button. By default it should now intermediate.

When loading is done simply call:

test_button.doResult(success: Boolean)

This will stop the loading animation and start the result animation according to the given success. Optional you can add a callback if you want to know when the animation is done. It also returns the LoadingButton itself:

test_button.doResult(success: Boolean) { it: KTLoadingButton -> 
// do stuff here

Option 2: PROGRESS

Add the progressStyle option to your xml layout:


All you have to do now is to call:

test_button.setProgress(progress: Float)

to show the progress.

Good to know

  • You can add a callback to the button if you need the click event even if the button is in loading state. The return type decides if the click event should be passed to the LoadingButton:
test_button.touchListener = {
// do some stuff
return [true|false]

This can be handy if for example want the user to cancel the loading process.

  • You can reset the button by calling:
  • You can set a validation function if the button should show the loading animation (e.g. if a text field is not filled correctly):
test_button.validation = { // call a function for validation }



Attribute Value/s Description Required Default
buttonName String Sets the text for the button [x]
buttonTextSize Dimension (SP) Sets the text size for the button [] 16sp
allCaps Boolean If set to true all button text will be in caps [] true
buttonColor Color Sets the color for the button text and progress [] #373737
loadingBackgroundColor Color Sets the background color for a failed result [] buttonColor with transparency of 31%
succeedColor Color Sets the background color for a success result [] #4CAF50
failedColor Color Sets the background color for a failed result [] #F44336
autoResetButtonAfterResult Boolean Decides if the button should reset itself after the result was displayed (after 1,5 seconds) [] true
progressStyle [INTERMEDIATE or PROGRESS] Decides if the button should intermediate or display a progress [] INTERMEDIATE
border_thickness Dimension (DP) sets the thickness of the outline border and progress circle [] 1dp