Timo Brembeck
Timo Brembeck
Well, but that's a totally different question :sweat_smile: The `name` attribute is only visible in the source code and used on the server-side to identify the submitted values. What you...
How did you install the package and how are you using it? When I download the latest release from [PyPI](https://pypi.org/project/django-widget-tweaks/), the package definitely contains a module named `widget_tweaks`. I would...
> * checkbox (checked/unchecked) with "Hier werden mehrere Sprachen gesprochen". This text should be shown next to the checkbox in the CMS and also shown in the app at the...
@osmers But does that really add value for the end user? I mean, all people who don't speak German or English have to consult other sources to be sure whether...
Ok, I agree that listing all spoken languages is not optimal. However, for the same reasons I think the field in the suggested form also doesn't make sense: - If...
@Gaston69 you have to select "weekly" in the evaluation select box. Then, two columns are used by the date, but the first line only has one leading empty box, so...
> I am not sure about whether our redis cache will still work now that the requests use the `POST` method, so this might be something to change Do we...
> Wouldn't it make more sense to just query the DeepL API (see Ulli's link) for our usage any time it's relevant (e.g. before sending translation request, in the planned...
> from what I can see in the [wiki](https://wiki.integreat-app.de/maschinelleuebersetzungen), the plan is to offer a budget of 50.000 words. However, as far as I can tell, DeepL tracks usage by...
But yes good point, this kind of means that we need to keep track of two separate counters? The character count by DeepL which we need for our internal calculations...