Timo Brembeck
Timo Brembeck
The corresponding CMS issue is now fixed, the opening hours contain an additional boolean field `appointmentOnly` now.
> I created this issue mostly because I need a valid issue ID in order to add a release note to https://github.com/digitalfabrik/integreat-cms/pull/2476 as per our new_release_note.sh tool. Nothing wrong with...
The required change is now released in the production CMS: the [events endpoint](https://digitalfabrik.github.io/integreat-cms/api-docs.html#id14) has the additional field `location_url`.
@PeterNerlich No sorry, at the first glance I don't see the reason for this, but I assume it has something to do with the custom `Printer` class. In my opinion,...
> Unfortunately, it's still the same As described [here](https://github.com/digitalfabrik/integreat-cms/pull/2596#discussion_r1509938529), we have to log to the logger `integreat_cms.core.management.commands` in order to get the logging to stdout because it's defined here: https://github.com/digitalfabrik/integreat-cms/blob/41b995e1304285c2d6853813a3168b672af840db/integreat_cms/core/settings.py#L685-L692
@JoeyStk yes I agree, the dashboard section about outdated pages should not only contain the correct number of pages, but should also link to the page tree without the empty...
We could also do the progress bar in plain html & css, then it would still qualify as good first issue in my opinion. - https://gist.github.com/WeiChiaChang/abe92ca2e8da86ef69560b63903e8764 - https://codepen.io/davidporraas/pen/xVexaM - https://alvarotrigo.com/blog/progress-bar-css/...
@seluianova If I understood correctly, this update also resolves #2022 / https://github.com/xhtml2pdf/xhtml2pdf/issues/662, right? Could you check whether that's true? E.g. before: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/digitalfabrik/integreat-cms/develop/tests/pdf/files/3b02f5ea5b/Integreat%20-%20Arabisch%20-%20%D9%85%D8%B9%D9%84%D9%88%D9%85%D8%A7%D8%AA%20%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%88%D8%B5%D9%88%D9%84.pdf After: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/digitalfabrik/integreat-cms/update/xhtml2pdf/tests/pdf/files/3b02f5ea5b/Integreat%20-%20Arabisch%20-%20%D9%85%D8%B9%D9%84%D9%88%D9%85%D8%A7%D8%AA%20%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%88%D8%B5%D9%88%D9%84.pdf But it makes https://github.com/xhtml2pdf/xhtml2pdf/issues/538 more apparent?...
@seluianova The changes in the tests only make sense when the xhtml2pdf version is upgraded (since the newer version depends on `pypdf` instead of `PyPDF3`). But yes, sadly it seems...
Hmm, I'd argue that time is actually relevant in many cases? So maybe `20.02.2024 16:40` or some kind of separator between date and time, e.g. `|`, `–` or `, `?