Timo Brembeck
Timo Brembeck
@siddydutta thanks for reporting the issue, but please make sure to use the search before opening a new ticket. This problem was reported before, so this is a duplicate of...
Sorry for the confusion, it was ``. Unfortunately I don't have time to dig deeper at the moment, I'll revisit this in November.
@phillipshaong could you post the entire traceback please?
~This is most likely a duplicate of #611 and should have been fixed by #635.~
@enrique-rodriguez Thanks for the report, I could reproduce the issue now. Rather than opening a new issue for it, please wait until a maintainer has reviewed your comment and re-opened...
@Denny814 Thanks for the report! Unfortunately, I'm not able to reproduce this problem. Could you please provide a minimal example of the HTML & CSS code you're trying to render?...
@stefan6419846 Thanks a lot for taking a deeper look here! Do you think we need a special section in the docs for this problem?
> Please, change default debug level to INFO. What exactly do you mean? The default logging level for the cli is `ERROR`: https://github.com/xhtml2pdf/xhtml2pdf/blob/f08ef9a5d7be5f9159187a41e112863bcb183619/xhtml2pdf/pisa.py#L208 And for the usage as library, I'm...
@kytta This outline looks great! Are you still motivated to improve the documentation a bit? Would be much appreciated! :muscle:
Which font are you using? Can you try with a custom font that definitely supports this character?