Tim Neutkens
Tim Neutkens
Seems this was caused by the same reason `node-fetch` was hanging with responses over 16KB. 13.0.2 fixes that issue and I've just verified it fixes this too.
This is already running type checking, it's fine to add it to the place @ijjk posted 👍
That's fine to add 👍
> It is slow and has unnecessary overhead. It's not too bad and nearly all the tests are integration tests running against real apps, this would ensure it always fails...
Hey Steven, could you send me a message on https://twitter.com/timneutkens, then we can investigate it without code access.
@PhillipLangMartinez same for you
Could you reach out to me on twitter as well, thanks!
Sent you a short email with what to run 👍
### Experiencing this issue? To provide a trace which only includes metadata of the application: - `npm install next@canary` (or `yarn add next@canary`) - Run development like normal and reproduce...
@AdamDiament I've replied to your message on twitter and also updated the instructions here. https://gist.github.com is how you can share individual files 👍