Tim Neutkens
Tim Neutkens
Seems this package publishes with `require('something.css')` which is interesting. Codesandbox for the latest canary that reproduces: https://codesandbox.io/p/github/mmailaender/Turbopack/csb-8w569c/draft/modern-http?file=%2Fpackage.json
Had a look into this and the issue is not related to `router.refresh()` but rather that `/` is a static page. Seems you're using `no-cache` but that hasn't been implemented...
`no-cache` is supposed to work like `no-store` but that hasn't been implemented yet 👍 Glad it's working fine now!
This has landed in a different PR.
Had a look at this but it seems there's a misconception about what `prependData` would do, the underlying option that handles this is only prepending what you provided to the...
We've added an option `experimental.serverActions.allowedOrigins` in #58023 that allows you to add a list of allowed hosts. The reason it throws by default is that this is a layer of...
Hey @vpontis I had a look at the initial question to dig into the confusion between what @kdy1 and @feedthejim said and what you were asking about. @kdy1 added support...
1. Both the Turbopack and Webpack implementation of styled-jsx use the CSS nesting spec 2. The current version of Next.js supports CSS nesting spec in styled-jsx, regardless of if you...
Additional clarification: This is the correct syntax for CSS nesting spec: ```css .container { color: blue; padding: 3rem; .inner { color: yellow } } ``` Output: ```css .container { color:...
Hey Victor, I did some further digging and you're right that styled-jsx's CSS processing does not downlevel currently, however that is a bug. We've discussed a fix and the initial...