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GoBench is the first benchmark suite for Go concurrency bugs. Currently, GoBench consists of 82 real bugs from 9 popular open source applications and 103 bug kernels. The bug kernels are carefully extracted and simplified from 67 out of these 82 bugs and 36 additional bugs reported in a recent study to preserve their bug-inducing complexities as much as possible. These bugs cover a variety of concurrency issues, both traditional and Go-specific. We believe GoBench will be instrumental in helping researchers understand concurrency bugs in Go and develop effective tools for their detection.
More detailed descriptions can be found in README.md
Artifact evaluation in our CGO 2021 paper
To evaluation, run
make all
Results can be found in artifact.pdf
go 1.13+
Call GoBench in Go
There is an example for GoBench harness API
package main
import (
func main() {
s := gobench.NewSuite(gobench.SuiteConfig{
ExecEnvConfig: gobench.ExecEnvConfig{
Count: 1,
Timeout: 5 * time.Second,
Repeat: 2,
PositiveCheckFunc: func(r *gobench.SingleRunResult) bool {
return strings.Contains(string(r.Logs), "DATA RACE")
Name: "go-rd",
Type: gobench.GoKerNonBlocking,
BugIDs: []string{"etcd_4876"},
SetUpFunc: func() {
// You can do some changes for etcd_4876 here before start the suite.
result := s.GetResult("etcd_4876")
fmt.Printf("etcd_4876 logs -> %s\n", filepath.Join(result.OutputDir, "full.log"))
if result.IsPositive() {
fmt.Println("OK, we reproduced etcd_4876 in GoBench (GoKer)")
} else {
fmt.Println("Sorry, we failed to reproduce etcd_4876 in GoBench (GoKer)")
You can find this example in gobench/examples
. Run it by:
go run gobench/examples/goker/main.go