tailwind-nextjs-starter-blog copied to clipboard
Update README.md
Added https://github.com/SangeetAgarwal/bitoflearning to example websites re-built from scratch on remix using the indie stack. It is a WIP.
Someone is attempting to deploy a commit to a Personal Account owned by @timlrx on Vercel.
@timlrx first needs to authorize it.
@timlrx I was a bit hesitant about submitting this PR since it isn't a next.js app but I have rewritten your app in remix's indie stack and I thought it would be good for folks to see how well your code can be replatformed to other frameworks.
This exercise is helping me learn both next.js as well as remix & I thought others might find the source code deployed to https://bitoflearning-9a57.fly.dev/ useful.
It is a WIP & just over the weekend added seo.ts and it will fun to see how it maps to your implementation of seo.js
Thanks for the submission. This is a little more than what I expected but will keep it around in case anyone is interested in a remix version.