graph-benchmarks copied to clipboard
In terms of raw performance `networkx.pagerank_scipy` can be 4-5X faster than `networkx.pagerank`. For the `google.txt` file on my local machine. ``` python In [4]: %%timeit ...: nx.pagerank(G, alpha=0.85, tol=1e-3, max_iter=10000000)...
I know you said that memory consumption are out of scope of your study, but I am curious about your intuition on this. I am looking for a package that's...
I am wondering if we can infer the differences in performance while calculating Weighted Betweenness Centrality from the Shortest Path results you show. If one algorithm is faster on the...
Hi, I read your blog post about benchmarking graph network packages; nice work. Have you run any tests on performance of building out a graph, node by node, or do...
Hi, I've noticed that the NetworKit shortest-path benchmark is executed with ``` distance.BFS(g, node_index).run() ``` However, with this API NetworKit will also store _all_ shortest paths from `node_index` to all...