SublimeEvernote copied to clipboard
Send Markdown to Evernote via a Sublime Text Package
Evernote for Sublime Text
This plugin was overhauled & upgraded by Emanuele D'Osualdo. View his SublimeEvernote repo, or simply download the plugin from Sublime's package manager.
I'm keeping this repo alive only for historical/archival purposes.
Sublime Text plugin for Evernote
This package is based on SublimeEvernote. It adds support for Sublime Text 3 (thanks to timlockridge) and includes new features as open/update of notes from Sublime.
Main Features
- Send a note to Evernote: converts the markdown document in the current view into rich text and sends it to your Evernote. You will be able to choose a title, tags and the notebook where to store it.
- Open a note from Evernote: shows panels to choose a note from a notebook, converts it to markdown and presents it in a view.
- Update note: when editing the markdown of an opened note you can save it back to Evernote (again in rich text).
- Full two-way support for metadata: just put a YAML-like header in your markdown file, and send/update to evernote commands will respect the info. The open command produces the header for imported notes. For example:
title: Title
tags: list, of, tags
notebook: Notebook name
Inline css: some tags can be styled (with inline style attributes). This required a small patch in
clone this repository with
$ git clone --recursive
- Windows:
%APPDATA%/Roaming/Sublime Text 3/Packages/
- OSX:
~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/
- Linux:
~/.Sublime Text 3/Packages/
- Portable Installation:
Sublime Text 3/Data/
Note: When you first run this package from the command palette, it will launch a browser window with your Evernote developer token. Copy the token and paste it into the prompt at the bottom of your Sublime window. Sublime will store the token data in Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/SublimeEvernote.sublime-settings
Command Palette
> Evernote: Send to Evernote
Command Palette
> Evernote: Open Evernote Note
Command Palette
> Evernote: Update Evernote Note
Command Palette
> Evernote: Reconfigure
- Original Plugin: jamiesun
- Port to ST3:
- Markdown2 converter: trentm
- HTML2Markdown: Aaron Swartz
- Evernote API: