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PR #34 dropped support for cucumber-js-tsflow custom snippet syntax

Open v-karbovnichy opened this issue 2 years ago • 1 comments

As we can see now, the binding-decorator.ts in master has this block of commented code:

  // Decorate the Cucumber step definition snippet builder so that it uses our syntax

  // let currentSnippetBuilder = cucumberSys.SupportCode.StepDefinitionSnippetBuilder;

  // cucumberSys.SupportCode.StepDefinitionSnippetBuilder = function (step, syntax) {
  //     return currentSnippetBuilder(step, {
  //         build: function (functionName: string, pattern, parameters, comment) {
  //             let callbackName = parameters[parameters.length - 1];

  //             return `@${functionName.toLowerCase()}(${pattern})\n` +
  //                    `public ${functionName}XXX (${parameters.join(", ")}): void {\n` +
  //                    `  // ${comment}\n` +
  //                    `  ${callbackName}.pending();\n` +
  //                    `}\n`;
  //         }
  //     });
  // }

I believe this PR #34 is where the built-in snippet decorator was commented out:

I am creating this because what I get now from non-implemented snippets is barebone Cucumber methods like this:

Given('{personas} are employed by {string}', async function (personas, string) {
  // Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
  return 'pending';

v-karbovnichy avatar Apr 12 '22 18:04 v-karbovnichy

The interface was changed in cucumber, so I had fixed the implementation locally as a separate file, based on official example (, cucumber-snippets-tsflow npm package and original implementation in this repo


function TsFlow(snippetInterface) {
  return {
    build: function build(opts) {
      var implementation, async, returnType;
      if (snippetInterface === 'callback') {
        implementation = "callback(null, 'pending');";
        returnType = 'void';
      } else if (snippetInterface === 'async-await') {
        implementation = "return 'pending';";
        async = 'async';
        returnType = 'Promise<void>';
      } else {
        implementation = "return 'pending';";
        returnType = 'void';
      var definitionChoices =
        function (generatedExpression, index) {
          var prefix = index === 0 ? '  ' : '//';
          var allParameterNames = generatedExpression.parameterNames.concat(opts.stepParameterNames);
          if (snippetInterface === 'callback') {
          var parametersStr = '('
            + (allParameterNames.length === 0 ? '' : '\n' + prefix + '  ')
            + allParameterNames.join(', ') + '): ' + returnType;
          var expression = generatedExpression.source.replace(/'/g, '\\\'');
          var methodName = expression
            .replace(/{/g, ' ') // change all brackets to spaces
            .replace(/}/g, ' ') // change all brackets to spaces
            .replace(/,/g, ' ') // change all commas to spaces
            .replace(/\s([^\s])/g, function ($1) { // uppercase each word first letter
              return $1.toUpperCase();
            .replace(/\s/g, '') // remove all spaces
            .replace(/[^\w]/g, '') // remove all things that are not a word
            .replace(/^(.)/, function ($1) { // make first sentence letter lowercase
              return $1.toLowerCase();
          return `${prefix}@${opts.functionName.toLowerCase()}("${expression}")\n`
            + `${prefix}public ${async} ${methodName}${parametersStr} {\n`
      return `${definitionChoices.join('')}`
        + `    // ${opts.comment}\n`
        + `    ${implementation}\n`
        + `  }`;
module.exports = TsFlow;

this is my cucumber.js profile file:

const common = {
  paths: [
  publishQuiet: true,
  publish: false,
  requireModule: ['ts-node/register'],
  require: [

module.exports = {
  missingSteps: {
    format: ["snippets"],
    formatOptions: {
      snippetInterface: "async-await",
      snippetSyntax: "./cucumber-missing-steps.js"
    dryRun: true


  "scripts": {
    "test:gherkin-missing-steps": "cucumber-js --profile missingSteps"

sample snippet generated:

  @when("worker {int} fetches {taskType} task")
  public async workerIntFetchesTaskTypeTask(
    int, taskType): Promise<void> {
//@when("worker {float} fetches {taskType} task")
//public async workerFloatFetchesTaskTypeTask(
//  float, taskType): Promise<void> {
    // Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
    return 'pending';

  @then("last task fetch should have null result")
  public async lastTaskFetchShouldHaveNullResult(): Promise<void> {
    // Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
    return 'pending';

  @given("{personas} are employed by {string}")
  public async personasAreEmployedByString(
    personas, string): Promise<void> {
    // Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
    return 'pending';

v-karbovnichy avatar Apr 12 '22 20:04 v-karbovnichy

This issue is stale because it has been open 60 days with no activity. Remove stale label or comment or this will be closed in 7 days.

github-actions[bot] avatar Nov 20 '22 00:11 github-actions[bot]

There hasn't been any activity on this issue for 67 days. Closing it as Spoiled.

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